Richard Wolff – Capitalism Hits the Fan

Richard Wolff – Capitalism Hits the Fan

Dr. Wolff is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The video is just over 1 hr long. Brilliant description of what has happened in the US over the last 30 years. He understands that the problem of unemployment is hot the result of individual failures, as the neocons would have us believe. He offers some alternatives, especially the worker cooperative. But did not address the fact that even cooperatives have the overproduction problem. Although he says we should talk openly about the problems and make deliberate value choices, he does not ask why must we pay to live on the planet we’re born on? Still, this is worth watching if only for the understanding of the historical context that the media doesn’t talk about. He’s a good speaker. Too bad he had a small audience. Fortunately, the video has had over 19,000 views on You Tube. Check it out!

From: endmoney.infoBy: Kéllia Ramares-Watson